Blackberry Peach Cobbler



1- 1 ½ cups pitted and sliced fresh or frozen peaches (about 3 large peaches)

2 cups blackberries


3 medjool dates, pitted, chopped, and soaked in water (to cover) for about 30 minutes

2 tablespoon lime or lemon juice

½ cup water (can use date soak water)

½ teaspoon allspice

¼ cup oat flour


1-1 ½ cups rolled oats, ground into flour (or oat or other type of pre-ground flour)

½ large, ripe banana, sliced

3 dates, pitted, chopped, and soaked in water (to cover) for about 30 minutes

½ cup plant-based milk

¼ teaspoon ground allspice

1-1 ½ teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 375° F. Put the 6 dates (3 for the Fruit Sauce and 3 for the Topping) into 2 separate dishes to soak.

For the filling: Place peaches and blackberries into a large bowl. Set aside.

For the fruit sauce: Blend the dates, lime or lemon juice, water, allspice and flour in a blender until smooth. Pour into the bowl of fruit and toss. Pour the fruit mixture into a baking dish and spread out evenly. You can use most sizes of baking dishes; I use a large ceramic pie pan, but a 9x9” or a 9x13” square pan would also work, just keep in mind that the fruit and the topping will be spread out more thinly with a larger pan. (No treatment is necessary for the pan.)

For the topping: Using your blender again, blend the banana, dates, and non-dairy milk together until smooth. Transfer this mixture to a bowl and add the oat flour, allspice, baking powder and vanilla extract. Mix with a fork until the texture is somewhere between dough and batter (fairly thick). Spread the topping over the fruit filling evenly, or drop by spoonfuls, leaving gaps of fruit between. Cook at 375 degrees for between 25 and 30 minutes, or until topping is lightly browned. Let sit for at least 10 minutes before serving.

Filed in: Crumbles, Dessert