Mint Lemonade


1 medium lemon

1-2 tbsp honey

1 cup water

1 sprig fresh mint (6 leaves)

1 lemon slice



Wash the lemon. Roll the lemon back and forth on your counter with some pressure before cutting to get more juice. Squeeze the lemon. Strain the lemon juice if you like.

Pour the lemon in a glass( or in a jug if you multiply the amount and make for a crowd) and add the honey, mix well.

Pour the water and stir. Add the mint leaves and keep in the fridge to let it cool at least for 30 minutes and absorb the flavors. Add the ice cubes and lemon slice and enjoy! If you like you can drink immediately but the aroma will be stronger as you keep the lemonade in the fridge longer. If you are sick, let the juice absorb the mint at room temperature for some time and enjoy your drink immediately to get the all the nutrients.

Filed in: Non-Alcoholic