Green Pea Stew


600 g/1.3 lbs fresh or frozen green peas

1-2 tbsp vegetable oil (optional)

1 onion, chopped

2–3 cloves of garlic, minced

2–3 tbsp flour of your choice (I used brown rice)

1.5 cups of plant milk (I used oat milk)

salt, pepper

to serve:

fresh parsley, chopped

sweet paprika powder


Add green peas, chopped onions, and garlic to a large pot with oil, or a few tablespoons of vegetable broth, if keeping oil-free. Cook over medium heat for 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until peas are soft, but still have a bite.

Meanwhile whisk together flour and milk.

While stirring, slowly add the flour-milk mixture, and cook for 2-5 minutes, until stew thickens. Add more milk or flour, if you have to adjust consistency.

Season with salt and pepper, and serve immediately with a sprinkle of paprika powder and chopped parsley. Enjoy!

Filed in: Hungarian, Soups