Artichoke Pasta


4 artichokes, boiled with hearts cut out, or frozen artichoke hearts

2 large zucchini, finely chopped

1 large shallot, finely chopped

1/4 cup olive oil

2-4 cloves garlic

thyme, chopped

basil, chopped

oregano, chopped


1-2 cups gluten free pasta

arugula/rocket (optional)


Boil your GF pasta of choice.

If you can find frozen artichoke hearts, go for it! I would have but they’re not available anywhere in the UK.

Sauté the onions and garlic in olive oil till fragrant.

Toss in the herbs and zucchini.

Carefully pour in a little water and lower the heat. In about 10 minutes you’ll find the zucchini has become nice and creamy.

Add in the choke hearts and a little more water or oil as needed (carefully!) and sauté for a few more minutes.

Tip the mixture into a blender.

Pour onto GF pasta.

I then usually mix in about 6 cups of raw arugula/rocket or other leafy greens but this is totally optional.

Filed in: Italian, Pastas