Millet Sushi


150 g millet

1/2 tsp salt

6 algae sheets/rice paper sheets

1/2 Mango

1 cucumber

bundle of Kale


Place the millet in a pot and boil water in a kettle. Add 450 ml of hot water to the millet in the pot and cook with a lid until all the water is absorbed. Once the water starts cooking, add the salt. Once the millet is cooked let it cool off in the pot.

In the meantime, cut the veggies and the Mango into fine stripes. Place an algae on the bamboo mat with the smooth side faced down and distribute millet on top, about 1 cm thick. Leave about 1 cm free from the upper border. Now it's time to place all the veggies and Mango into the roll. Distribute them in the center and use the bamboo mat to strongly roll the vegan sushi. Wet the ends a bit to close the role properly. Use a sharp knife and cut the roll into 6 Maki pieces. In case you are using rice paper, place the rice paper on a cutting board, dab some water on it until the rice paper is soft. From no on it's the same procedure like with the algea sheet, but use your hands to roll into a hand roll instead of with the bamboo or cut it into Makis as well.

Filed in: Japanese