Virgin Cucumber Mint Margarita


2 medium to large sized cucumbers

juice from 4 limes

4 large sprigs of fresh mint

1 Tbsp sweetener of choice (raw honey, maple syrup) or you can use 4-6 drops of liquid Stevia

Optional: sea salt for rim, 4 slices of cucumber (slice before peeling), 4 small mint sprigs


Peel cucumbers and scoop out seeds. The easiest way to scoop out the seeds is to cut lengthwise after peeling and run a spoon down the center. Set aside.

Juice limes. Set juice aside.

Remove mint leaves from stems and wash.

In a blender combine cucumber, lime juice and mint leaves.

Blend on high until fully combined.

If serving with salt take lime peel and rub across the top of the glass. Dip in salt. Add ice to glasses and pour over the top. Garnish with a cucumber slice, mint leaves or both.

Filed in: Non-Alcoholic