Akuri Spiced Scrambled Eggs


1 medium tomato (about 70g)

1 tsp olive oil

Sea salt flakes

½ small green chilli, very finely chopped

6 fresh rosemary sprigs, very finely chopped

¼ red onion, finely chopped

¼ tsp ground turmeric

Pinch deggi mirch (or smoked paprika)

2 large free-range eggs (see tips)

1 tbsp vegetable oil

¼ tsp fine sea salt

1 thick slice sourdough loaf

Butter for spreading

A few fresh cilantro leaves


Heat the grill to high (or oven 450 degrees for 15 minutes). Slice the tomato in half. Put one half on a baking tray, cut-side up, drizzle with the olive oil and sprinkle with the sea salt flakes. Cook under the grill for 10 minutes until softened and browned on top.

Put the chopped chilli, coriander sprigs and red onion in a bowl. Remove and discard the seeds from the other tomato half, finely chop the flesh and add it to the bowl. Add the turmeric and deggi mirch. Set the bowl aside. Put the bread in your toaster at this stage so it will be ready.

Warm a medium frying pan over a high heat. Crack the eggs into a cup or small jug, but don’t mix them at this stage.

Add the vegetable oil to the pan and swirl to ensure the base is coated. Add the fine sea salt to the onion mixture and toss well. When the oil is hot, tip the contents of the bowl into the pan and let the mixture sizzle for 40 seconds, stirring regularly so nothing burns.

Add the eggs and mix well to scramble. Count to five, then mix the eggs again. Count to five again, then mix again. Repeat this process, counting only to three each time, until the eggs are just cooked and still very soft.

Butter your toast, put it on a warm plate and pile the eggs on top. Serve immediately, scattered with a few coriander leaves and with the grilled tomato on the side.

Filed in: Breakfast